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Healing & Justice Center Logo

The Healing & Justice Center

We are Worker Self-Directed, BIPOC led, Non-profit that believes healing centered and relationship strengthening is integral in building a strong and long lasting movement for equitable justice.

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Healing & Justice Center Team holding cut out hearts with messages on them
Healing & Justice Center Team

Get to know who we are

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Healing & Justice Center Workshop people sitting around conference table talking

What we can offer you

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Healing & Justice Center Team Member leading a workshop with post it notes all over wall
Healing & Justice Cente Blue Pattern Circle
Jorge from Healing & Justice Center leading team workshop standing in front of brick wall with tv and podium

What we can offer you

Healing & Justice Cente Blue Pattern Circle

Land Acknowledgement

The Healing and Justice Center acknowledges we occupy and reside on unceded lands and stolen lands, of which the Kish and Tongva indigenous tribes have been displaced from, and in the process experienced subjugation, genocide, loss, disease, rape, abuse and death. An injustice still perpetrated to this very day. 


As people from unceded lands ourselves, we carry with us histories of immigration, indigenous erasure, and being severed from our indigenous roots. We are committed to healing and reconnecting to our own indigenous identities and reconciling them with our lived experiences. We believe that the process of healing ourselves will give us the tools needed to support and contribute to the indigenous tribes of the lands we reside on. 


As an organization advocating for the right to remain, against gentrification and economic displacement, we acknowledge that our fight for our choice to stay in the community of our choosing, does not completely honor the history of the indigenous brothers and sisters who lived where we stand, before colonialism and forced removal. 


Our capitalistic, self-centered and individualistic society, clings to the notion of land ownership, boundaries and borders which are merely products of human constructs. Such notions create separation, and exclusion, as well as other oppressive systems which we continuously strive to dismantle. 


We are still healing, learning and growing. We acknowledge there is much to learn. We hope this acknowledgement does not forego the vast amounts of contributions indigenous people have contributed continuously throughout history to this very day. 


In learning, appreciation and gratitude.

The Healing & Justice Center Bloom pattern

Let's Connect

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